- The ultimate official accolade of a visit by the president.
Acerbity: (adj). a sharp or forthright style of speaking
- Many teachers have an acerbic wit to them, not all but some.
Attrition: (n). the process of gradually reducing the strength of someone or something through uncontrollable attack or pressure
- The squad car suffered attrition due to the bombing attacks they encountered
Bromide: (n). a compound of the chemical bromine with another element or group
- Feel-good bromides create an illusion of problem solving.
Chauvinist: (n). someone who displays exaggerated or aggressive patriotism
- What a male chauvinist that man is.
Chronic: (adj). meaning to constantly reoccur
- Patients whom are in ICU in a hospital are in chronic condition with their health.
Expound: (v). to present and/or explain a theory or idea in depth detail
- He was expounding a strong argument in the courtroom.
Factionalism: (adj). to be characterized by dissent
- Many social pyramids in our past history were fractional.
Immaculate: (adj). someone who is free of flaws or mistakes, in other words perfect
- He wore an immaculate suit to the award show.
Imprecation: (n). a spoken curse
- Many people assumed she was a witch due to her secretive imprecations.
Ineluctable: (adj). the act of being unable to be resisted or avoided
- The love she had for him was so passionate it was ineluctable.
Mercurial: (adj). subject to unpredictable changes of mood or mind
- The death of her husband caused her to think and act in a mercurial manner.
- Kemo Therapy is a treatment for cancer used to palliate the disease spreading.
Protocol: (n). the official procedure of rules governing affairs of state of diplomatic occasions
- Protocol in some countries forbid the ruler to make any public statement in his or her defense.
Resplendent: (adj). attractive through being richly colorful or splendid
- People stared in awe as she walked through the room looking resplendent in her salmon colored dress.
Stigmatize: (v). to describe as worthy of disgrace(really bad)
- Her fathers opinion on her boyfriend was stigmatized.
Sub Rosa: (adj/adv). to be secretive or confidential
- The government has many sub rosa operations we as Americans do not know about.
Vainglory: (n). excessive pride in ones own achievements
- The Kardashian family on TV displays much vainglory on the show with their luxurious life.
Vestige: (n). a trace of something that has disappeared or no longer exists
- He waited patiently, but without a vestige of sympathy.
Volition: (n). the power of using ones will
- In the christian religion, many people live their life through volition due to gods will.
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