Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vocabulary #1

Adumbrate: an outline or sketch, or resemblance of something
Apotheosis: comparing someone as having a high rank of god
Ascetic: someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
Bauble: to mock verge carried by a jester
Beguile: influence by slyness
Burgeon: to grow of flourish
Complement: a word or phrase used to complete grammatical construction
Contumacious: stubbornly disobedient 
Curmudgeon: a person full of negative ideas
Didactic: instructive
Disingenuous:  not straight forward, giving false appearance
Exculpate: to pronounce not guilty
Faux Pas: a socially tactless act
Fulminate: to explode or detonate
Fustian: inflated language in writing or speaking
Hauteur: arrogance
Inhibit: to restrain or hinder
Jeremiad: literary work in which the author laminates the state of society
Opportunist: a person who will go through anything to be successful
Unconscionable:not in agreement with what is just or reasonable

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