Wednesday, January 8, 2014


This semester I've come to realize my  focus has been on the wrong things. I know I can pass a class with a good grade but I was missing the big picture. During first semester I knew I would be attend Allan Hancock College and later transfer, but all the talk about big universities got me thinking about scholarships. Yes a junior college doesn't cost as much as a four year but it is still money I don't nessicarily have. Therefore my main goal is to yes pass this class. But also get scholarship money to help May off my future schooling. As I was in this thought process, I came to realize "woah, this is our last semester". Like every other senior. I had a plan to become a registered nurse but as I thought about it, I realized it wasn't something I really wanted to do. I pondered through careers and other places of work and couldn't decide. I'm currently looking into psychology. Is it a for sure thing? No. And I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do. And it worries me. So another goal I have is to ultimately have an idea of what career path I want to go down. Things I'm interested in I know I can't make a living off of. And my biggest thing is to have a love and passion for what I do. Culinary arts is another things im interested in. A dream I have is to open a bakery.

To accomplish these goals I plan to keep looking into scholarships and jobs. Hopefully,
,with the help of my teacher Dr.Preston, I'll figure all of these things out. I just need to keep my head up and look for open doors.

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