Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vocabulary #8

abase: belittle somebody: to make somebody feel belittled or degraded

abdicate: resign position: to give up a high office formally or officially, especially the throne

abomination: anything greatly disliked

brusque: abrupt: abrupt, blunt, or curt in manner or speech

saboteur:  one that practices sabotage

debauchery: immoral behavior: unrestrained self-indulgent immoral behavior, or an instance of this

proliferate: increase greatly: to increase greatly in number
anachronism: chronological mistake: something from a different period of time

nomenclature: name system: a system of names assigned to objects or items in a particular science or art

expurgate: edit something by removing offensive parts: to remove words or passages considered offensive or unsuitable from a book before publication

bellicose: warlike: ready or inclined to quarrel, fight, or go to war

gauche: socially awkward: lacking grace or tact in social situations

rapacious: grasping: greedy and grasping, especially for money, and sometimes willing to use unscrupulous means to obtain what is desired

paradox: something absurd or

contradictory: a statement, proposition, or situation that seems to be absurd or contradictory, but in fact is or may be true

conundrum: something confusing: something that is puzzling or confusing

anomaly: irregularity: something that deviates from the norm or from expectations

ephemeral: short-lived: lasting for only a short period of time and leaving no permanent trace

rancorous: Bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated ill will

churlish: crass: characteristic of somebody with bad manners

precipitous: done rashly: done or acting too quickly and without enough thought

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